Monday, January 10, 2011

Mr. Yuk is MEAN. Mr. Yuk is GREEN

Mr. Yuk!
Starting in the 1970's a very popular sticker campaign called Mr. Yuk came out. American households would put these stickers in their medicine cabinets, in closets, and under kitchen counters... anywhere cleaning supplies, chemicals, or medication was stored. Kids are taught when they see the sticker to not touch, smell or taste anything near it. It really worked wonders with me. The sticker makes you copy the yukky face and know to stay away. Although I don't remember the theme song from the commercials, Tommy said the song used to freak me out.!

I did have an episode with poisonous things around the house, but it wasn't in the medicine cabinet or with nasty chemicals. It was in our formal living room. There was a Jerusalem Cherry tree in that room. While not life threatening to people, it's still piousness enough to make a child pretty sick. After looking up info on this, it is pretty poisonous to dogs, cats, and birds. So one day one of my sibling or my mom found me in the living room with red cherries smeared all over my face, clothes, etc. It probably looked like a gorged myself upon them like a rat in a circus dumpster. I was rushed to the doctor's office. My brother Tommy carried me in. I vaguely remember the doctor giving me a dixie cup of something to drink. Per my brother's recollection, I was going to ask for some more - but before I could finish, I started vomiting all over the place. They found there were no cherries in my system. I didn't eat any, but I made a big enough mess of them. Our family has plenty of vomiting stories... I think of this one whenever I see the Mr. Yuk theme song, or see one of the stickers. YUK!

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