Saturday, January 1, 2011

1979 - Infancy and Family History

Since, of course, I was too young to actually recall specific memories, there were constants in my life concerning music that started long before my infancy. Three decades after my birth, my experience has allowed me to see other family environments. Without hesitation, I would say my family was a musical one.

My grandpa was in a band, and played the drums. He also played the mandolin while my grandma played the harmonica. When my dad was training for the Vietnam War in San Diego during the late 1960's, he was playing acoustic guitar and mandolin. My mom would listen to songs over and over so she could write down the lyrics for my dad. While my mother always wanted to play guitar growing up, she learned the accordion. A local guy in northeast Wisconsin became notorious playing accordion, so many people started playing it. My aunt played electric guitar in an all girl band the late 50's.

Since I can remember, my extended family breaks into song almost every time we get together. They sing during campfires, boating, holidays, or sing after playing dice around a kitchen table. They even have songs that latch on to the end of "Happy Birthday." I would grow up to think this is normal, but even in hindsight there's not a whole lot of families that bust into song at the drop of a hat! This is something I would grow to value and look forward to.

Someone's in the Kitchen With Dinah

Disclaimer: while YouTube is a great tool for looking up songs, many of the above links are the closest I could get to accurate, but are not identical to the way I remember them.

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