Saturday, October 8, 2016

1986: Showbiz Pizza

The first big birthday party I went to had to be around 1986... we drove to Showbiz Pizza, which is now known as Chuckie Cheese's. In my hometown, there was one in the same building as Kmart. It only lasted a few years. When it closed down, the closest Showbiz Pizza was in Green Bay. My memory doesn't serve me whether it was closed down or not by this time.
I do remember sharing seatbelts with my classmates, only boys were at this party... and of course the law wasn't out yet about child seats.

If you've been to Chuckie's you know what you're in for at Showbiz Pizza: tons of games, pizza, and animals playing music. But you need to remember, this is the 80's. So if you think it looks fake now, wait until you get a load of what it used to look like!  No matter the decade, it was entertaining for kids. My personal favorite was the pool of balls you could basically swim in.

The band looked like this, and they played a variety of songs.

If it was your birthday, this is what you got:
Of course, adults had to sit through this stuff, so of course they played some "oldies"... DO you remember?

These videos look frightening today, but children at the time really ate it up. I'm not sure if I remember any kids being afraid of this environment. 2:20 really start to pick up when they do "Wooly bully." It's totally cabaret, and there's some humor in it. Enjoy!

What I remember most about this particular trip (aside from sharing seatbelts) is finding a pen in the parking lot. I was wearing jeans, and when I picked up the pen (that had been cooking all day in the parking lot), I got ink all over my pants. The mom who was driving us around was less than amused, and it made a good blue stain on my jeans. I might have gotten yelled at for picking up a pen off the ground. But as a 6 or 7 year-old I thought "hey! FREE PEN!"

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