Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1986: The Outfield - Your Love

This band called The Outfield was all over the radio. I remember hearing it in the car on 101.1 WIXX, GreenBay/FoxCities. It was a cool song for being a ballad. Their big hit was "Your Love." It was and is still a great song. It was only years later I found out they were British! With a name like The Outfield, you'd think they were baseball playing Americans. Not the case. I came to find out later on in college (via VH1's popup video) that they named their band the Outfield on purpose to appeal to the American audience.

Why the Outfield you ask? There were three guys in the band, and there's three outfielders in baseball (unless you're in Pee-wee league, like I was in 1986). So I guess it made sense to a certain extent.

Here is where it gets weird. Music videos and Mtv was big in the 80's and band were still sort of trying to figure out how to maximize their popularity with music videos. The Outfield, again took a trail of pesky deception! The video for your love included two musicians that were actors. I'm not talking about two replacements to the original three, we are talking about five - yes - FIVE Outfielders. An extra guitar player, and a keyboard player were just tossed into the video. Looking back, they stick out like sore thumbs.

How could it be? How does this make sense? Again it was a ploy to fit in with the American market. Apparently, many bands at that time had five members. So if the Outfield made it look like they had five members in the band, perhaps they could better fit in. If you ask me, between the name of the band and having fake members in their videos - they were trying a little too hard to be cool. I still like more than a couple songs of theirs.

This is one of those songs that sounds really good when played acoustically on guitar. Since 2012, I've been performing this song as open mic nights and acoustic gigs that I'm offered to play. It's slowed down, and the Outfield do a version of it this way, and it's just as good if not better than the original.

The Outfield had another big hit that I really liked. All My Love in the World. "Your Love" peaked at #6 on the Billboard charts. "All My Love in the World" peaked at #13.